A Woman to be Counted
You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 2:1-3.
Desta was in 4th grade when she stopped going to school. Hardly knowing how to read or write, but taking on the responsibilities of a wife, she often felt limited in her ability to participate in formal settings as an adult. Years later after her husband died, Desta felt more isolated, unable to understand or engage in even Bible studies at her church due to her illiteracy.
But praise be to God that since RiverCross workshops are anchored by audio dramas, Desta was able to fully participate, understanding every word. At the end of the training, Desta became emotional when accepting her certificate saying, "This is the first certificate anyone in my family has ever received."
When Desta returned to her village, she invited the other widows in her community to listen and discuss the program with her, all of them resolving to take action against abuse in their community in light of the things they'd learned from the audio drama.
Desta and the other widows now spend their days walking from village to village, meeting with leaders and educating them on the signs of abuse and responding with compassionate action. As a result of their faithful participation in this work, they are seeing awareness raised, compassion grown, protection increased, and children rescued from dangerous situations. Desta says, "We were once women of no account. Now we are women to be counted."
*Although the stories we share are true, identifying details have been changed.