We train people to use our audio dramas to set the world’s vulnerable children free from trauma so they can thrive.

Through workshops anchored by our audio dramas, we train people in evidence-based essentials of trauma care and resiliency. They are equipped to use our audio dramas with their teams and the children.
$250 (scholarships available for qualified applicants).
Through discussion groups, we use our audio dramas to raise awareness of the effects of trauma in the lives of vulnerable children.
Suggested donation $50.
Through partnerships with aligned organizations, we use our audio dramas to train trainers and coach leaders to lead workshops and activate trauma-informed strategies that empower people to set vulnerable children free from trauma and free to thrive.
Cost based on organization's size.
The RiverCross Program is:
Accessible to all education levels.
Evidence-based and faith-driven.
Intentionally collaborative to foster community.
CORE ESSENTIALS of Trauma-Informed Care and Resiliency
The audio drama follows the journey of three youth who are orphaned and enter the downward spiral of child vulnerability. Through a wise African woman who builds a BRIDGE to freedom, the children experience healing from their trauma, gain resiliency, and see the love of Christ in action.
Topics addressed:
Poverty factors, child marriage, orphanhood, polygamy, abuse, exploitation, substance abuse, education, street-connected children, teen pregnancy, kinship care, grief, loss, and lament, and gender-based violence, and more
FORCED TO FLEE - CHILD REFUGEES: This audio drama follows the journey of a sibling group after the attack of their village by rebel soldiers. The children leave their village behind and find haven at a refugee settlement.
One of the children is abducted and forced to become a child soldier. This program follows his journey as he struggles to survive. Participants will discuss the unique challenges of this population.
Topics addressed:
Guilt and shame, trauma-rooted anger, community strengthening, tribal conflict, exposure to violence, brainwashing, substance abuse, resiliency, and more.
This program will follow an African family from a refugee settlement to life in the U.S. In the process they will encounter refugees from around the world and members of their new community, and address the challenges that comes with school, culture, and family.
Close to 400,000 children in the United States are currently in foster care. Up to 80% of these children have significant mental health challenges. Because of their complex traumas, adults who were in the foster care system experience posttraumatic stress disorder at a rate of five times the general population. This program will follow the journey of a sibling group addressing adoption, reunification, permanency.
Globally, millions of children became orphans during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, millions more are annually affected by epidemics such as cholera, malaria, HIV, and Ebola. This program will address hygiene, protection, recovery, and stigma associated with epidemics and illness.
The International Labor Organization estimates that 160 million children were engaged in child labor in 2021 with numbers of child trafficking victims having tripled in 2021. This program raises awareness and strengthens communities to address the factors that lead to child trafficking for labor, war, and sex.
Poverty is the number one cause of child neglect and ultimately abandonment. Through this program, participants will explore evidence-based solutions for improving socio-economic situations so that the risk of child abandonment is decreased.
Gender-based violence is a global pandemic that affects 1 in 3 women in their lifetime. Through this program, the value, worth, and dignity of girls will be explored offering a community-based multi-pronged approach.
Every year 175 million children globally are affected by natural disasters. This program will reduce children’s risk by helping communities better prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the trauma responses to help move from relief, to recovery, to restoration.
Acutely vulnerable and marginalized, more than 100 million street-connected children depend on the streets for survival. These children are exposed to violence and often without food, shelter, and clothing. This program will address the factors that push and pull children to the streets, the stigma they experience, the danger they encounter, and how communities can practically help them.
Children with physical and intellectual disabilities are four times more likely to experience violence than non-disabled children. Through this program, stigma and discrimination will be addressed with the goal being actionable strategies for communities and families to prevent violence and protect these children.
This program provides a picture of what it looks like for a community to be transformed from one where trauma is accepted as a way of life to one where children are treasured, families strengthened, and communities providing a network of support to withstand the shocks of adversity so that vulnerable children become thriving children who become thriving adults who break the cycles of childhood abuse and generational trauma.
Equip workshops include 5 three-hour sessions and a two-hour concluding session. Each session starts by listening to a 30-minute audio drama and is followed by interactive discussion and engaging activities. The concluding session includes certificate presentation.
Workshops can be conducted on-site for organizations, schools, and churches, or via Zoom in special situations.
Annually RiverCross holds a RiverCross Summit to enable multiple organizations to come together for an Equip Workshop. RiverCross Summit 2024 was held in Nairobi, Kenya. Sign up to be sure you are the first to hear about our next RiverCross Summit.
Participants can continue their growth when their organizations become EMPOWER PARTNERS .
EMPOWER PARTNERS receive contextualized training to align with their organization’s goals and strategies, coaching sessions, monthly reporting, and specialized training for two organizational representatives to insure implementation of all that has been learned.
Sign up for an ENGAGE GROUP, or CONTACT US to schedule a consultation a to discuss a RiverCross training plan for your or your organization, church, or school.
“While there are other quality trauma training programs, RiverCross offers something unique. By anchoring their workshops in award-winning audio dramas, RiverCross engages both the heart and the mind. Their approach points people to the hope of the Gospel, advances locally-led leadership, equips individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to protect orphans and vulnerable children from trauma and – when the unthinkable happens – brings restoration.”
— Jedd Medefind President and Executive Director Christian Alliance for Orphans