God’s Greatness is Building our Stories
In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.
Ephesians 2:22.
Last year, Palesa attended the RiverCross Summit in Uganda. While she was listening to Bridge to Freedom - a story addressing issues of child marriage, orphanhood, abuse, gender based violence, teen pregnancy, and grief just to name a few - Palesa felt as if she'd heard the story of every child in her community.
Palesa leads an outreach program at her church for the young girls in her town. Through this outreach, Palesa has build relationships with many children, and has heard the testimonies of their faith & the tragedies of their circumstances. Following the Summit last October, Palesa joined an Engage Group where she has been walking through our audio dramas episode by episode with a discussion group, learning to identify areas where she can mentor the young girls at her church, and grow as a leader to protect her community.
Palesa expressed, Though there are sad stories with lots of tears, God's greatness is building our stories to become stronger people. I've told the young girls I serve to get a tin and write down their laments and joys, and at the end of the year we will celebrate the good things God has done. Everyone needs a person who believes in them. Trauma makes people be ashamed, and that's why I'm pushed to look deeper at my girls.
*Although the stories we share are true, some identifying details have been changed.