The End of the Spiral
On that day the Lord their God will save them, as the flock of his people; for like the jewels of a crown they shall shine on his land. For how great is his goodness, and how great his beauty! Grain shall make the young men flourish, and new wine the young women.
Zechariah 9:16-17
Ending the Spiral*
Every year, an estimated 1 billion children aged 2-17 experience a traumatic event. This trauma comes in a variety of forms from neglect to physical violence, but regardless of the event, it can trigger a downward spiral of vulnerability in the life of the child. When a child endures trauma, it impacts every aspect of their wellbeing and can even change the trajectory of their lives by introducing physical injuries, negative coping behaviors, or a lack of self worth. Studies have shown that children who endure physical, emotional, or sexual abuse are at a heightened risk of becoming perpetrators of abuse themselves, continuing the spiral of vulnerability into the next generation.
The World Health Organization identifies the following as strategies for preventing violence and abuse of children:
Change norms and values. As RiverCross trainings are introduced and utilized within communities, it incites important conversations among community leaders, prompting them to evaluate customs and practices that might be posing unnecessary risk to local children.
Provide safe environments. RiverCross Freedom Clubs do more than provide children a fun, educational place to go after class - they expose children to safe and trusted adults that are capable of identifying dangerous and vulnerable situations among their students, which in turn increases the safety of the community.
Improve parental and caregiver support. RiverCross partners with hundreds of organizations who are already hard at work providing care and support to vulnerable children. Whether an orphanage, church, school, or rehab center, RiverCross empowers caregivers to implement best practices, equipping leaders to offer holistic care that sets children free to thrive.
Provide response services. Not only does RiverCross empower local leaders for best practices, but we equip them with our award winning audio dramas that provide the foundation for meaningful conversations that bring about psychological healing, both in our trainers and in the children they support.
Equip with education and life skills. Our trainings implement the BRIDGE principles which are geared towards establishing resiliency and breaking the downward spiral of vulnerability. RiverCross Freedom Clubs keep kids in school to provide them their best chance of thriving.
Every year 1 billion children will enter the downward spiral of vulnerability. With on the ground partners, we are setting these children free to thrive, and putting an end to the downward spiral with the power of story, and the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
*Although the stories we share are true, some identifying details have been changed.