A Leader’s Chance to Learn
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up...
Ephesians 4:11-12.
Micah was among the first to experience the original RiverCross Holding Esther training in Zambia back in 2014. In 2016, after participating in RiverCross training again, Micah lost contact with the program, but praise God she did not lose contact with the needs of vulnerable children.
For the last 6 years, Micah has been utilizing RiverCross trainings on her own, working with traumatized children and equipping other adults to do the same. Micah has traveled around Zambia utilizing Holding Esther to rescue children from abuse and building bridges to hope and healing in their lives. She has even gone on to receive both teaching and counseling certifications in her community in order to have greater access and opportunity to help vulnerable kids.
Earlier this year, Micah reconnected with RiverCross with hopes of receiving even more training so that she can raise up others to join her in building bridges of hope across Zambia. Upon hearing of the upcoming RiverCross Summits in Kenya and Uganda in October, Micah knew her attendance would enable her to equip others in joining her on the front lines, but the travel costs were more than she would be able to manage on her own.
But praise be to God that the hearts of two RiverCross champions with Simba Tech, our data measurement partner, were stirred by Micah's story, and they responded with generosity by completely covering the costs of Micah's attendance at the Summit. Because of Micah's heart for vulnerable children and the generosity of Simba Tech, Micah will receive the training she needs to become an official RiverCross Trainer in October, and her work will continue throughout Zambia.
*Although we usually change identifying details in our stories, Micah's real name and picture are used here.