Hope that Multiplies
Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village. Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two...
Mark 6:6-7.
When a leader is trained with RiverCross, their impact multiplies.
In 2015, a Zambian woman named Aliyah was trained with our original Holding Esther audio drama. After receiving her training certificate, she immediately began implementing RiverCross trainings into the children's program she led at a local orphanage. Her colleagues soon took notice of the transformation happening among the kids in Aliyah's program. She was approached by 4 adult women in the community, all of whom had been impacted by sexual trauma in their own lives, and currently worked with vulnerable children in similar circumstances. Aliyah trained these 4 women in our Holding Esther program, and in addition to finding healing for themselves, the women began building bridges of hope with each of the children they mentored.
By the end of that year, Aliyah and the original 4 women had trained nearly 40 other adults in their community in RiverCross' program. The following year, these RiverCross Champions brought Holding Esther to the neighboring town where they saw over 180 children set free from trauma as a result of our program.
Since the release of Holding Esther, RiverCross has produced more audio dramas to anchor our training program and serve as tools for leaders to use with the children they serve. Bridge to Freedom focuses on children in Africa who face the death of their parents. The loss of their primary caregivers sends them on a downward spiral of vulnerability. Jabota Bridge traces the journey of child refugees forced to flee due to an attack on their village and child soldiers who are abducted and forced to fight for the rebel faction.
Ten more audio dramas are planned, each a story to speak into the lives of vulnerable children around the world. RiverCross is more than just training, it is a tool that when put in the hands of passionate leaders is able to deliver hope to hurting communities.
*Although the stories we share are true, some identifying details have been changed.