Hope Despite Injustice
I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.
Psalm 34:4-5.
Taji's Hope*
Taji’s parents often left her home alone, leaving early in the morning and coming home late at night because of their long commute. When construction started on a house next door, Taji was excited to soon have new neighbors. Even having the construction workers nearby made her feel less lonely.
It was a morning like any other when Taji woke up in her house alone to get herself ready for school. She filled her bucket of water and brought it outside to the makeshift shower with plastic walls and a curtain for a door. As she was showering, Taji could feel someone approaching her. She turned around to find one of the construction workers standing inches away from her as she stood there completely naked.
Taji screamed at the top of her lungs, the man pleading with her to keep quiet, until another neighbor ran over to Taji’s rescue.
Despite reporting the incident, the offender was not punished by the courts, saying there was not enough evidence to sentence him, leaving Taji feeling hopeless and ashamed over what happened. Since losing in court, rumors have spread about Taji, saying it was her fault this happened to her, she must’ve been asking for it, or even that she should’ve given herself to the man because he would’ve taken care of her as a wife.
Praise God that Taji has been attending the Freedom Club at her school, and has been working with her mentors to uproot these lies she’s been told and replace them with the truth of God’s word. Taji now understands that she does not need to live with guilt and shame, but she can have freedom even in the midst of her broken story.
*Although the stories we share are true, some identifying details have been changed.