Nothing Noteworthy?
Nathanael said to him, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Philip said to him, "Come and see."
John 1:46.
It would've been easy to dismiss Zahra, as most people did. She was shy, hardly speaking a word to her classmates or teachers. She wasn't from a notable family, wasn't particularly gifted at school or sports. It would seem as if there was nothing specifically noteworthy about her.
At least that is what people used to say, if they paid Zahra any mind at all. But since joining the RiverCross Kids Club at her school, Zahra has blossomed, demonstrating a vibrant confidence and has grown in her ability to build relationships with her peers. Even her grades have improved as a result of her confidence in participating in the classroom.
In fact, Zahra is not the only one who has experienced this transformation, as a survey taken at 3 different schools with RiverCross Clubs have found RiverCross Kids are showing significant signs of thriving compared to their peers, especially as it relates to their education. RiverCross Kids have improved end of year exams, less absences than their classmates, and demonstrate confidence in participating in their classrooms, including helping other students gain the courage to ask questions.
Praise be to God for Zahra's transformation, and the RiverCross Champions that enable kids like her to find their voice and become something worth noting.
*Although the stories we share are true, identifying details have been changed.