Wisdom to Tell
And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.
Philippians 1:9-10.
Praise be to God for the many forms through which he imparts wisdom. For one children's home in Africa, wisdom came in the form of our Holding Esther audio drama. The caregivers of this home were moved by a scene depicting a maintanence man, Mwongo, grooming a young girl named Sarah who was living in an orphanage.
Upon hearing Sarah's story, the caregivers realized their own children's home was vulnerable to many of the same circumstances in the audio drama. They were immediately inspired to take action and implement a child protection policy to shield the children in their care from potential grooming and abuse.
One of the caregivers shared Sarah's story with the children in her care. Later in private, one of the girls, Jendayi came forward saying, "Mr. Kurwa is like Mwongo, but worse. He has been abusing me and the other girls many times and in many ways. He threatened to kill us if we told, but because of this story I know that I have to tell."
The caregivers were heartbroken over Jendayi's story, but they had the wisdom to address the situation, reporting the abuse to the authorities and meeting with each of the girls, allowing them a safe space to process and heal from their trauma.
In thanking RiverCross for the lifechanging training they received, one of the caregivers said, "I credit RiverCross not only with helping the girls to safety, but saving their lives."
*Although the stories we share are true, identifying details have been changed.